Unit 6:Competitions – Những cuộc thi đấu

Unit 6:Competitions – Những cuộc thi đấu

Unit 7: World Population – Dân số thế giới


Reported speech with gerund

Verb + (OBJECT) + Preposition + (NOT) V- ing

e.g: He suggested going to the beach. (Ông ấy gợi ý đi đến bãi biển.)

  • She thanked him for helping her build that snowman.

(Cô ấy cảm ơn anh đã giúp cô dựng người tuyết.)

  • She apologised for being late. (Cô ấy xin lỗi vì đến muộn.)


Before you read

Look at the photos. Match each of them with the words in the box below. (Nhìn các bức ảnh. Ghép mỗi hình phù hợp với những cụm từ trong khung dưới đây.)

Unit 6:Competitions - Những cuộc thi đấu

Unit 6:Competitions – Những cuộc thi đấu

a – Quiz “Road to mount Olympia”

b – London marathon

c – Sao Mai Television Singing Contest

d – Olympic Games.

Work with a partner. Answer the following questions. (Làm việc theo cặp. Trả lời những câu hỏi sau đây.)

1. Do you like taking part in competitions like these? Why/ Why not?

(Bạn có thích tham gia trong các cuộc thi như thế này không? Tại sao có/ Tại sao không?)

–   No, I don’t because I don’t have the capacity for them.

–   Yes, I d like to participate in the quiz: “Road to Mount Olympia”, because it’s an interesting game, which help me widen my general knowledge.

2. Do you hope to win a competition? If so, which competition do you like to win? (Bạn có hi vọng sẽ giành chiến thắng đối thủ cạnh tranh không? Nếu vậy đối thủ cạnh tranh nào bạn thích giành chiến thắng?)

–   Yes. I’d like to win an English-speaking Contest.

3. Is winning the most important thing in a competition? Why/ Why not?

(Chiến thắng là điều quan trọng nhất trong một cuộc thi phải không? Tại sao đúng /Tại sao không?)

–   No, I don’t think so. Winning or losing is not the most important thing in a contest or competition. The main point is our participation and the enjoyment we have from it.

While you read

Read the passage and then do tasks that follow. (Đọc đoạn văn sau đó làm nhữmg bài tập sau.)

Thứ bảy vừa qua, đại diện của ba lớp ở trường tôi đã tham dự vòng chung kết cuộc thi tiếng Anh hàng năm do các thầy cô giáo tiếng Anh tổ chức. Mục đích của cuộc thi là khuyến khích tinh thần học tiếng Anh của học sinh. Cuộc thi được hội phụ huynh tài trợ. Cô Liên, giáo viên tiếng Anh của chúng tôi, giải thích nội quy của cuộc thi cho học sinh như sau:

Để tham gia vào cuộc thi, các em phải làm việc theo nhóm ba người. Mỗi nhóm phải hoàn thành tất cả năm hoạt động. Sau khi hoàn thành mỗi hoạt động, các em sẽ có hai phút để hoàn thành các câu hỏi trong phiếu câu hỏi. Ban giám khảo sẽ quan sát và chấm điểm phần thi của các em. Với mỗi hoạt động, các em có thể đạt tối đa 15 điểm. Đến cuối cuộc thi, ban giám khảo sẽ công bố tổng điểm mỗi nhóm đạt được. Nhóm giành chiến thắng sẽ được thưởng một bộ CD học tiếng Anh và một quyển từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Nào, chúng ta hãy bắt đầu cuộc thi…”

Hùng, Thu và Nga là thành viên của nhóm A. Họ nhanh chóng đọc nội dung của các câu hỏi và cố gắng tìm câu trả lời. Lúc đầu, mọi việc tiến triển rất suôn sẻ. Họ gần hoàn tất năm hoạt động. Nhưng ở hoạt động thứ năm. Hùng gặp khó khăn trong việc đọc thơ. Bạn ấy không nhớ câu cuối. Thời gian đã hết, các giám khảo công bố kết quả. Nhóm chiến thắng là nhóm B, đạt được 70 điểm; nhóm của Hùng được 65 điểm và nhóm C được 60 điểm. Thu cảm thấy hơi thất vọng. Hùng xin lỗi vì không thể hoàn tất bài thơ. Nhưng Nga đã làm cho sự việc tốt hơn bằng cách nói: “Theo tớ, điều quan trọng nhất là chúng ta tham gia vào cuộc thi và niềm vui chúng ta có được từ nó.”

Task 1. Match the words or phrases on the left with their definitions on the right. (Ghép các từ hoặc cụm từ bên trái với các định nghĩa của chúng ở bên phải)

1. d             2. f             3. e                4. c                  5. b             6. a

Task 2. Answer the questions: (Trả lời các câu hỏi:)

1. Who took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday?

-> The representatives of three classes of the (writer’s) school took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday.

2.  What was the aim of the competition?

-> Its aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students.

3. Who sponsored the competition?

-> The Students’ parents Society sponsored the competition.

4.  What did each group of students have to do during the contest?

-> They had to complete five activities in all. On completion of each activity, they had to answer the questions in the worksheets within two minutes.

5. What did the judges have to do to choose the winner of the competition?

-> They had to observe and score the students performance. The maximum score for each activity was 15. At the end of competition they would announce the total score of each group. The group that got the highest score would be winner.

6.  What would be awarded to the winner?

-> The winner would be awarded a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

Task 3. Read paragraph 3 again and complete the sentences (Đọc đoạn 3 một lần nữa và hoàn thành câu)

1. In activity 5. Hung was recite complete the poem (he could dot remember the last sentence).

2. Having achieved the highest score, group B became the winner of the competition.

3. Group C lost the game because they just not 60 points.

4. Nga encouraged her group by saying “For me the most important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it.

After you read

This is the poem Hung recited at the final English competition. Read and translate it into Vietnamese. (Đây là bài thơ Hùng đọc trong cuộc thì tiếng Anh. Hãy đọc và dịch sang tiếng Việi.)

Bạn có thích bầu trời ban đêm

Khi ngàn vì sao đang lấp lánh?

Bạn có thích bầu trời ban ngày

Khi những đám mây bay đi?

Điều tôi thích là mặt trời ban mai

Chiếu trên tôi khi tôi chạy

Và tôi cũng yêu những cơn mưa

Gõ từng nhịp bên khung cửa sổ.


Task 1. Which competition/ contest do you like or dislike? Put a tick (V) in the right column. Then compare your answers with a partner’s. (Cuộc thi nào em thích hoặc không thích? Ghi dấu (V) vào cột bên phải. Sau đó so sánh các câu trả lời của các bạn cùng học.)

Type of competition/ contest


General Knowledge Quiz


English Competition


Art competition (painting, drawing, sculpture…) V
Poetry Reading/ Reciting Competition V
Singirtg Contest V
Athletics Meeting (running, jumping…) V

Task 2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner how he/ she feels ahom each type of the competitions /contests in the Task 1.(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi bạn cùng học của bạn, anh chị cảm nghĩ thế nào về mỗi cuộc thi ở Task 1.)


A: What do you think about /of the General Knowledge Quiz?

B: Oh, it’s greal. It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge.

Task 3. Talk about a competition or contest you have recently joined or seen. Use the suggestions below. (Nói về một cuộc thi đấu hoặc một cuộc thi mà gần đây bạn đã tham gia hoặc xem. Sử dụng các gợi ý dưới đây)

1. Where and when did you see or take part in it?

2. What type of competition or contest was it?

3. Who organized it?

4. Who participated in it?

5. Who won the competition/contest?

6. Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not?


A – Can you tell me something about the competition you are talking about?

B – What would you like to know?

A – Where and when did you see or take part in it?

B – I saw it on T.V last night.

A – What kind of competition or contest was it?

B – Well it was an English speaking competition.

A – Do you know who organized it?

B – The International Language Centre.

A – And who participate in it?

B -…


While you listen

Task 1. Listen to the dialogue about the Boston Marathon and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).( lắng nghe cuộc đối thoại về Marathon Boston và quyết định việc các báo cáo đúng (T) hoặc sai (F))

1. The Boston Marathon is held every 4 years in the USA.                     T

2. It began in 1987                                                                              F

(It began in 1897.)

3. John McDermott clocked 2 hours 15 minutes and 10 seconds.           F

(Not 15 minutes —> 50 minutes.)

4. Women were officially allowed to participate in the races in 1957.       F

(Not “in 1957” — > 1967).

5. In 1984, 34 countries took part in the marathon.                              T

6. According to the race’s rules, runners have to go through 13 towns during the race. It ends in the centre of Boston.                                               F

Not runners have to pass the centre of Boston —> Runners have to go through 13 towns during the race. The race ends in the centre of Boston.


Trang: What are you reading, Paul?

Paul: The history of Boston Marathon.

Trang: It sounds interesting! How often is it held?

Paul: Every year, in the USA.

Trang: When did it begin?

Paul: In 1897. And the same year, John McDermott won the first Boston Athletic Association Marathon.

Trang: Who was John McDermott? Where did he come from?

Paul: He was the first man who won the first Boston Marathon in the USA.

Ha came from New York.

Trang: How long did it take him to reach the finish?

Paul: He clocked 2 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds.

Trang: Did women have right to participate in long distance running?

Paul: Yes… But not until 1967, women were formally accepted to take part in the Boston races… A few years later. Kuscsik became the first official female champion.

Trang: When did she win the race?

Paul: In 1972. There were 8 women starting the race and all 8 finished.

Trang: Is the race held for only American people?

Paul: No. Each year, more runners from every part of the world join it. In 1984, 6164 runners from 34 countries ran in the marathon.

Trang: What are the rules of the Boston Marathon?

Paul: The Boston race is about 42km. Runners have to go throush 13 towns during the race. It ends in the centre of Boston.

Trang: Oh, that’s great. Thanks a lot, Paul.

Task 2. Listen again and answer the following questions. (Lắng nghe một lần nữa và trả lời các câu hỏi sau đây.)

1. Where did John McDermott come from?

—> He came from New York.

2. When did Kuscsik become the first official female champion?

—> She became the first official female champion in 1972.

3. How many women started and finished the race in 1972?

—> 8 women started and finished the race in 1972.

4. How many runners joined the Boston Marathon in 1984?

—>6164 runners joined the Boston Marathon in 1984.


Task 1. Read the letter and find out the information required for English Speaking Competition. (Đọc lá thư và tìm hiểu thông tin cần thiết cho cuộc thi nói tiếng Anh)

  • The number of participants.
  • Entry procedure.
  • Venue.
  • Date and time.
  • Phone number and e-mail the center.

Task 2. Imagine you are Kate Johnson, secretary of the English Speaking Competition. Write a letter to respond to Thu Trang, using the details below. (Hãy tưởng tượng bạn là Kate Johnson, thư kí cùa cuộc thi nói tiếng Anh. Viết một bức thư để trả lời Thu Trang, bằng cách sử dụng các chi tiết dưới đây.)

  •  number of participants: 25
  •  venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District. Hanoi
  • date: 25th November
  • arrival time: 7:00 p.m.; starting time: 8:00 p.m.
  • phone number: (04) 9838188
  • e-mail: Enalishclub06@yahoo.com

Dear Thu Trang,

Thank you for your letter and welcome to our English Speaking competition. Here are some details about the competition.

The number of participants is limited – just 25. The competition is held on 25th  November, 2009 at 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. It starts at 8.00 a.m. Contestants should be present at about 7.00 a.m for registration.

For more information please contact me on the phone number (04) 6381625 and e-mail: englishclub06@yahoo.com.

Best wishes,

Kate Johnson


Exercise 1. Change direct speech into reported speech. Begin each of the sentences in the wav shown.

e.g: “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much.” Tom said to you.

—> Tom thanked me for helping him.

1. “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” John said to us.

-> John congratulated us on passing our exams.

2. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Mary said.

-> Mary apologized for not phoning me earlier.

3.  “I’ll drive you to the station. I insist,” Peter said to Linda.

-> Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station.

4.  “You didn’t pay attention to what I said.” the teacher said to the boy.

-> The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention to what he had said.

5. “I’ve always wanted to be rich.” Bob said.

-> Bob has always dreamed of being rich.

6.  “Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport,” I said to Ann.

-> I warned Ann auainst staving at the hotel near the airport.

7.  “Stay here! I can’t let you go out tonight.” her mother said to Jane.

-> Her mother prevented Jane from going out that night

8.  “It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you.” Miss White said to Jack.

-> Miss While thanked Jack for visiting her.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the dialogues in reported speech, usine gerund.

1. Linda: Let me pay for the meal.

Tom: Certainly not! I’ll pay.

-> Tom insisted on paving for the meal.

2. Mr. Smith: I feel like meeting our children soon.

Mrs. Smith: I think so.

-> Mr and Mrs. Smith looked forward to meeting their children soon.

3. Woman: Hey! You’ve broken the window of my house!

Boy: Oh … no, I’ve just arrived here. I don’t know anything about it.

-> The boy denied breaking the window of The woman’s house.

4. Policeman: You mustn’t leave the shop!

Customer: What’s that?

Policeman: Stay here! You mustn’t leave the shop!

-> The policeman stopped the customer {from) leaving the shop.

5. Detective: You have stolen Mrs. Brown’s car!

The thief: Yes…! But….

-> The thief admitted stealing Mrs. Brown’s car

6. Mary: What shall we do on Saturday?

Ann: What about having a party?

-> Ann suggaested having a party next Saturday.

7. John’s wife: The house is very nice! We’ll certainly buy it!

John: I think so.

-> John and his wife were thinking ol’bining the house



Listening and choose the best answer A, B. c or D. (Nghe và chọn câu trả lời tốt nhất A, B, C hoặc D)

1.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Winners placed the olive wreaths on their own heads.

B. The games were held in Greece every four years.

C. Battles were interrupted so that athletes could participate in the games.

D. Poems glorified the winners in songs.

2. Why were the Olympic Games held at the foot of Mount Olympus?

A. to stop wars

B. to honor Zeus

C. to crown the best athletes

D. to sing songs about athletes

3. When were the first Olympic Games held at the foot of Mount Olympus?

A. 676 B.C.

B. 766 B.C.

C. 786 B.C.

D. 776 B.C.

4. Which of the following contests was NOT mentioned?

A. discus throwing

B. boxing

C. skating

D. running

5.What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?

A. They liked to fight.

B. They were very athletic.

C. They liked a lot of ceremonies.

D. They could not count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates.

1. A                 2. B                         3. D                        4.C                  5. B


In the 776 B.C the Olympic Games were held at the foot Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks chief god, Zeus. I he Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore contests in running, jumping, discuss and Javelin throwing, boxing and horse chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and poems were sung about their deeds. Originally, these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in prosress were halted to allow the games to take place.

The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that they calculated time in four year cycles called “Olympiad” dating from 776 B.C.


Read the passaee and answer the questions. (Đọc kĩ đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The World Cup tournament

B. The organisation of FIFA

C. The FIFA women’s football championship

D. The FIFA Women’s World Cup 2007

2. What could best replace the phrase growing in popularity?

A. not liked any more

B. liked by more people

C. increased in number

D. played by adult women

3. How often is the Women’s World Cup organised?

A. Every eight years.

B. Every four years.

C. Sixty-one years after the men’s.

D. Every sixteen years.

4. What does the event refer to?

A. China

B. the outbreak of SARS

C. the 2003 Women’s World Cup

D. the 2007 Women’s World Cup

5. What is NOT true about the Women’s World Cup?

A. The number of girls and women playing football has equalled that of men.

B. Almost one billion people watched the 1999 Women’s World Cup finals on TV.

C. The first Women’s World Cup tournament was held in China.

D. The 2003 championship finals were hosted by the United States.

1. D                   2.B                3. B             4. C                       5.C


a)Listen and put a tick in the right box. paying attention to the pronunciation of the underlined part of tile word. (Lắng nghe và đánh dấu vào hộp bên phải, chú ý đến cách phát âm phần chữ gạch chân của từ.)

1. play               2. Drive        3. Twice                       4. proud

b) Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: hoàn thành văn bản với hình thức đúng của động từ trong ngoặc)


Try these two fabulous ideas from our new beauty editor.


You’ll look good if you decide (do) to do more exercise. Don’t spend time (1. talk)……. Join a gym and make sure you manage (2. go)…………..there regularly.


Think of the money you’ll save if you give up (3. smoke)……Don’t just keep on (4. Say ………you are going to give up, but really (5. do)………it. It’s easier if you avoid (6. go) ……….to the places where other people smoke.

1. talking                    2. to go                   3. smoking

4. saying                     5.do                        6. going


Write about one of the competitions for secondary school students on TV You may use I he following guidelines : (Viết về một trong những cuộc thi cho các học sinh trung học trên truyền hình. Bạn có thể sử dụng các hướng dẫn sau đây.)

  •  time and the channel on TV
  • length of the show, parts of the show
  •  number of the competitors
  •  content of the questions
  • the feeling you have for it

I enjoy watching television and often spend one or two hours watching it everyday. I sometime spend more time watching it at weekends. One of my favourite programmes is “Road to Mount Olympia.” It is always on  from 9 o’clock to 11 o’clock on VTV3 on Sunday. I like watching it because three competitors on each show are very intelligent. They are all advanced student from different schools. they have to answer several questions about general knowledge of natural and social sciences. Many questions are very challenging for me. I am interested in watching it but I don’t think I am able to take part in the programme.

Write about one of the competitions for secondary school student TV.

Thảo luận cho bài: Unit 6:Competitions – Những cuộc thi đấu